Palais der Gegenwart – Enter to add presence

Armada of Arts

Installation Watch Out 2021/22 Familie

To scream, dream, ponder for once – to meet other people by chance in unknown, strange places. Taking unfamiliar perspectives, devoting oneself to forgotten questions, exploring, getting lost, sinking.
The “Palais der Gegenwart” will appeal to the child in us, make offers for the head and body, both abstract and concrete.
The Armada invites everyone from the age of 6 to enter and enliven various experimental spaces for the senses.
The “Palais der Gegenwart” is a performative spatial installation open throughout the festival, which will come to life through the presence of people

The artists’ collective ARMADA OF ARTS was founded in 2016 by women in Dresden to pursue their own work processes and projects independently and self-determined. In all projects, the group considers theatre as a forum for questions of social justice, politics and beauty. In the spirit of the motto: “The private is political”, personal issues are treated with great importance. Armada of Arts gives preference to women and mothers for leadership positions. The public space is an important element for the group to make theatre accessible to all people and to mix reality with fiction. Previous collaborations have included the Hole of Fame and the Festspielhaus HELLERAU. The Armada of Arts received the Reload grant from the BKM programme NEUSTART KULTUR for “Heroines” in 2020 and the “takecare Residency” with Festspielhaus Hellerau for the project “Playground without Rules” in spring 2021.

Click here to register for a time slot!


Sarah Hoemske, Nora Schruth, Federica Menegatti, Elisabeth Wulff- Werthner, Letizia Paternieri, Anuschka Kilian- Buck, Cizzy, Stefanie Heeg, Katharina Kersten, Anne- Jelena Schulte, Jakob Steiner, Florian Steyer, Bernhard HalbichValerie Fricker, Elisabeth Lindig, ehrliche arbeit – freies Kulturbüro

With the kind support of Kukulida e.V./ Peter Schruth/ Rebekka Rhines/ David CampesinoNytt Materialdepot und Zündstoffe Dresden

Supported by the Kulturstiftung des Freistaates Sachsen, Amt für Kultur und Denkmalschutz der Landeshauptstadt Dresden and the Fonds Darstellende Künste with funds from the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media within the framework of NEUSTART KULTUR.