Kulturarbeit im Tanz
Online-Workshop für FSJler:innen mit Sarah Weber (Dresden Frankfurt Dance Company)
What are the professions in dance at theaters? What does a choreologist actually do? What is the everyday life of a professional dancer like? And what exactly is contemporary ballet? We will get to the bottom of all these questions in the event “Cultural Work in Dance” and spend a day dealing both theoretically and practically with the history of ballet from its beginnings in the 15th century to the present day.
Sarah Weber, professional stage dancer, dance pedagogue and education manager, will also present the work of the Dresden Frankfurt Dance Company and enable participants to experience the different techniques and approaches of classical and contemporary ballet for themselves in a small dance workshop.
Registration to education@dresdenfrankfurtdancecompany.de
The event will take place here via Zoom.
To participate, you must download the Zoom software, agree to its privacy policy and thus to the transfer of your data to the USA. We are using Zoom because, to our knowledge, it is currently the platform with the lowest barriers to entry for a diverse group.