Young Choreographers
Works by and with dancers of the Dresden Frankfurt Dance Company
As in the past, this season Jacopo Godani is offering members of the ensemble the opportunity to present their own choreographies. The program Junge Choreograf*innen will be a thrilling occasion aiming to nurture growth, professional experience, awareness and artistic responsibility in-between the dancers. It would enhance an artistic frame where dancers will interact with other professional fellow artists. Godani’s goal is to provide with vital knowledge in a creative environment that cultivates the artistic skills and intelligence necessary to pursue a broad professional career. This experience is part of our engagement and commitment with the current generation of dancers and future choreographers. Beginning June 27, Anne Jung, Michael Ostenrath, Vincenzo De Rosa, David Leonidas Thiel and Sam Young-Wright will be staging new works with dancers from the Dresden Frankfurt Dance Company in HELLERAU.
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Carnegie Solo
The choreography Carnegie Solo is a response to the solo piano performance of celebratedAmerican pianistKeith Jarrett. It was recorded live on September 26, 2005 at theIsaac Stern auditorium of Carnegie Hall, New York City. Inspired by Jarrett’s spontaneous imaginative solo improvisations, Carnegie Solo explores a series of juxtaposed physical states, presenting a glimpse into the human psyche, which ultimately offers a broader understanding of the individual.
Choreography:Sam Young-Wright | Stage, Light, Costume design: Sam Young-Wright | Music: Keith Jarrett | Dancer: Anne Jung
Length: 6 min
An ever-ongoing process of transformation between identity and appearance; by removing categorizations as belonging to a gender-identity or any stereotype enables the inevitable unity of the masses. Constantly modifying aesthetics, unaffected by already exhausted social norms, represent a renewed uniformity. An existence in utter freedom.
In the shadow of everyday life a space for inexhaustible possibilities is created. Taking action is determined by overflowing stimuli, while at the same time neither opinion nor judgment coexists.
Only non-existent movement is free of intention.
Choreography: Michael Ostenrath | Stage, Light, Costume design, Make-up : Michael Ostenrath | Music: Aisha Devi | Dancers: Kevin Beyer, Daphne Fernberger, Amanda Lana, Zoe Lenzi Allaria,Ulysse Zangs
Length: 10 min
The duo Ectomorphs can be defined as an encyclopedic choreography where the two dancers embody and describe the inner world of the so called Ectomorph, one of the three somatotypes that William Herbert Sheldon, American psychologist and numismatist, cataloged in his book Atlas.
In his studies, Sheldon was able to proof how different body types were related to different personalities and psychological traits. The ectomorphic type is described as a long-limbed body, tall and skinny with super fast metabolism, he is intelligent, contemplative, self-conscious, humble and his cerebrotonic minds leans him towards introversion, melancholy, shyness, hypersensitivity and isolation.
The dance, beyond human and rather animal, physicalizes the most pure and ancient form of Ectomorph existing. The performance investigates the deepest space of both mind and body, reaching for a new primal dance.
Choreography: Vincenzo De Rosa | Stage, Light, Costume design: Vincenzo De Rosa | Music: Ulysse Zangs | Dancers: Joel Small, Vincenzo De Rosa
Length: 12 min
Our mathematical number system was not created, it was discovered. Numerology is the mystical teaching of numbers and number combinations and their influence on our lives.
The choreography Orbit deals with the basic number of the respective degree numbers within a circle and the immense importance of the number 9 in our mathematical system. To find the basic number, one summates all the digits of a number, regardless of the decimal places. Interestingly, a simple circle always contains the number 9 in its innermost.
Example: 360 ° 3 + 6 + 0 = 9 half 180 ° 1 + 8 + 0 = 9 half 90 ° 9 + 0 = 9 45 ° = 9
half 22.5 ° 2 + 2 + 5 = 9 half 11.25 ° 1 + 1 + 2 + 5 = 9
Numbers are omnipresent and governing the universe. They help to create form and symmetry. Numbers are the bots that move into and out of reality – alive and thinking, shaping, thoughtfully creating events and ideas, and always striving to grab our attention.
In the end, everything rotates under the direction of the basic rules of mathematics. The earth moves around the sun, the solar system in our galaxy, our galaxy in the infinite vastness of the universe … and everything in its unbelievable complexity can be counted down to the mathematical base 1 to 9.
Choreography: David Leonidas Thiel | Stage, Light, Costume design: David Leonidas Thiel | Music: R. Hunter, Kablam | Artistic/Choreographic collaboration: Viktoria Novak, Gustavo Gomez | Dancers: Felix Berning, Tamás Darai, Clay Koonar, Zoe Lenzi Allaria, Carola Sicheri
Length: 14 min
In her third individual choreography #threewithfour, Anne Jung explores the encounters within two couples and their play of finding and separating, merging and liberating, closeness and distance. It centers on the act of dancing itself, the multiple stages of leading and being-guided. Inspired by Astor Piazzola’s Tango-Nuevo-rhythms an intimate work has been created.
Choreography: Anne Jung | Stage, Light, Costume design: Anne Jung | Music: Collage by Cyril Baldy, inspired by Hiromi Uehara | Dancers: Anne Jung, Barbora Kubátová, Joel Small, Sam Young-Wright
Length: 12 min