Hey Body?! in DHMD
Sahra Huby
We learn about the human body in anatomy or biology lessons by looking at the bone skeleton or as a system of muscle cords and functions. This includes muscles, organs and body parts. But what exactly defines these body parts? What makes my hand a hand? And why is there no specific word for the area between my elbow and my upper arm?
“Hey Body?!” uses dance, language and drawings to explore existing concepts and images of the body, changing and expanding them and playing with them.
The explore dance pop-up piece takes place as an external event at the Deutsches Hygiene Museum Dresden and is part of their school vacation program.
Duration: ca. 40 min. & followed by an 1 h workshop
Language: German
14.02. suitable for 8 – 12 year olds
15.02.: suitable for those 12 years or older
Only a limited number of participants can take part. To participate is it necessary to register via the DHMD school vacation program: service@dhmd.de, +49 351 48 46 400
“Hey Body?!” is a production of explore dance – Netzwerk Tanz für junges Publikum – cooperation project of fabrik moves Potsdam, Fokus Tanz/Tanz und Schule e. V. München, K3 | Tanzplan Hamburg and HELLERAU – European Center for the Arts. Supported by TANZPAKT Stadt-Land-Bund with funds from the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media and by the municipalities and federal states of the project partners