HELLERAUmoves: All Levels

with Charles A. Washington

2023/24 Workshop Tanz

Charles A. Washington’s approach draws from his expertise in somatic movement techniques, enriching participants’ engagement with the holistic sensation and knowledge embedded in bodily systems, such as the digestive system or nervous system. The workshop places a strong emphasis on investigating movement at the individual’s preferred depth. Charles encourages participants to explore where sensations of characterization emerge and where these character-driven sensations lead within the realm of movement.

In this movement workshop, participants will be guided through the creative process behind “The Children of Today.” A work that features two performers exploring diverse characters and interchanging roles to evoke distinctive movement textures, dynamics, and forms. The workshop is designed for individuals of all dance abilities who are intrigued by improvisation and the embodiment of characters as a catalyst for spontaneous movement.

Overall, this workshop offers a unique opportunity for participants to delve into the creative realm of “The Children of Today,” exploring the intersections of character, movement, and somatic awareness under Charles A. Washington’s expert guidance.

Duration: 2 h
Language: English

Fully booked!

Questions and comments can be sent to workshop@hellerau.org.