Joy Alpuerto Ritter
BABAE is a female interplay between the animal and sensual qualities of ritual and power. The piece reconfigures what it means to invoke the power and mystical practices of women as witches.
Joy Alpuerto Ritter is an artist of many facets. In “Babae” she combines Mary Wigman’s famous expressive dance solo “Hexentanz” with elements of voguing, contemporary and traditional Filipino dance.
no language, approx. 30 min.
Concept, Dance & Choreography: Joy Alpuerto Ritter
Music: Vincenzo Lamagna
Lights: Arne Schmitt
Costume: Lan Behrendt
Artistic Assistant: Lukas Steltner
Produced by Sophiensaele Berlin – Witch dance project.
Supported by the NATIONAL PERFORMANCE NETWORK Guest performance funding dance, funded by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media, as well as the Ministries of Culture and the Arts of the Federal States.