Successful formulation of funding applications
What do sponsors want to read, what not? Good dance and theatre projects often fail because of cumbersome applications. It seems to be a great art to make both the goals of a project and its concrete implementation clear in what is often a limited space. After all, people have to be convinced personally in every funding committee.
This event deals with the meaning and structure of funding applications for the liberal performing arts, goal formulations and goal hierarchies, interpretations of invitations to tender, funding guidelines and accompanying measures to increase opportunities, as well as with stylistic questions, such as how a project can convince in its brevity.
It is expressly desired to bring along project proposals in order to discuss them together.
Management: André Schallenberg (HELLERAU)
Until 2011 André Schallenberg worked as a freelance artist with installations, radio plays and stage productions, among others at Mousonturm Frankfurt, LOFFT Leipzig and Theaterhaus Gessnerallee. From 2011 to 2014 he was director of the artistic production office of the Ruhrtriennales and from 2014 to 2018 project manager at PACT Zollverein in Essen, where, among other things, he was overall project manager for the Tanzplattform Deutschland 2018. Since last year, under the direction of Carena Schlewitt, he has been in charge of the theatre and dance programme at HELLERAU – Europäisches Zentrum der Künste, Dresden. He has sat on many international juries dealing with the awarding of grants and has himself carried out numerous projects with the help of grants.