Closing DTzM
with Esmeralda Conde Ruiz
This live companion piece to 24/7’s subterranean installation draws upon the themes explored during Esmeralda Conde Ruiz’s residency at the Schaufler Lab@TU Dresden in 2022. The event features a range of vocal performances, which react to the site-specific environment created within the Great Hall at HELLERAU.
Utilising this additional space within HELLERAU calls to question the public face of data storage, what do we know about our data and what is hidden from us? What can we see clearly and what exists in spaces not usually visible? This event continues a conversation, about what is private and what is public within our digital worlds. By presenting within the Great Hall Conde Ruiz continues her play upon the architecture of HELLERAU’s spaces and their acoustical differences. As the finale to 24/7, this live performance brings 24/7 above ground and attempts to make visible the hidden side of our human data storage.
Admission from 4:15 pm
From 17:15 the installation of the same name in the orchestra pit can be visited.
From April to October 2022 and from March to May 2023, the composer, conductor and artist Esmeralda Conde Ruiz (*1980/Spain, lives in London) will be a guest at the Schaufler Lab@TU Dresden. Here she is working on an artistic research project on the topic of “Artificial Intelligence as a Factor and Consequence of Social and Cultural Change” together with the scholarship holders of the Schaufler Lab@TU Dresden, scientists from TU Dresden (TUD) and other partners such as the Dresden University of Fine Arts, HELLERAU – European Centre for the Arts and the Dresden Philharmonic Orchestra.
During her stay at the TUD, she will deepen her research in the field of artificial intelligence (AI) and polyphonic singing with the help of scientists from the departments of musicology and acoustics and language technology. In the acoustics rooms of the Institute of Acoustics and Speech Technology, for example, Conde Ruiz is investigating specific sounds, especially machine noises, which she recorded in the server rooms of the TUD. The sound of server farms forms a central starting point for her artistic research on AI, as these represent the technical infrastructure for artificial intelligence applications. Based on her experiences as a composer and conductor, she traces the following questions, among others, in her project:
“When composing, can we use artificial intelligence not only – as is often the case – as a tool, but rather as an instrument? How can a human being influence AI in this case? Can AI find or develop its own voice and thus an individual sound?”
First insights into Esmeralda Conde Ruiz’s exploration of the sound of AI will be offered by various public event formats starting in summer 2022: At the conference “Digital is better?! – Camp für Digitale Kultur” conference at the Komplexlabor Digitale Kultur at Merseburg University of Applied Sciences, she was present with an experimental performance: the “Larynx Nights”. On 29 September 2022 – to mark the end of her residency – she will present a new work at a symposium at the SLUB – Saxon State and University Library together with her cooperation partners, including Prof. Carsten Nicolai, Dresden University of Fine Arts, Prof. Orit Halpern, Professorship for Digital Cultures, Jun. Prof. Dr. Miriam Akkermann, Junior Professorship for Empirical Musicology, Carsten Tiede, Centre for Information Services and High Performance Computing, Dept. Operative Processes and Systems (OPS), all TU Dresden, the state of their artistic research.
Conductor: Gunter Berger
Arturo den Hartog
E Ensemble: Allan Gardam, Madeleine Buckley,
Claudia Kramer
Bürgerchor am Kulti
Annika Pfotenhauer
Finja Hufnagel
Elisa Heuer
Pauline Golbs
Gloria Boetius
Yanzy Xue
Quentin Müller
André Richter
Alrun Ritter
Andrea Bölke
Andrea Janus
Andrea Jeschke
Andreas König
Angela Hornung
Anja Scorl
Anke Bittorf
Anke Hanewald
Anke Nicke
Anna Seidel
Annegret Fabian
Annekatrin Küpke
Annemarie Quandt
Annett Schulze
Annette Ebeling
Antje Glaner
Antje Hutschenreuter-Dießl
Aribert Schuffel
Barbara Fahrig
Barbara Rosa
Bärbel Reich
Beate Handschack
Beate Herrmann
Birgit Busch
Birgit Heroldt
Birgit Pauzenberger
Birte Reschke
Brigitte Lange
Brigitte Richter
Christiane Sieber
Christina Eberlein
Christina Meinel
Christine Preußle
Christo Breudle
Claudia Hohenwaldt
Claudia Porsche
Corinna Hullmann
Cornelia Goß
Cornelia Maul
Cornelia Thomaschewski
Daniel Remsperger
Dirk Pannhausen
Doris Jeschke
Edith Schneider
Elfriede Wellenberg
Elisabeth Gretzschel
Elisabeth Münch
Elisbeth Kneu
Elke Opitz
Elke Pfau
Ellen Rothea
Elsie Kaulfuß
Erika Geertz
Eveline Weber
Falk Elsner
Franka Schulze
Freia Hollan
Gabi Hauswold
Gabriele Gottlebe
Gabriele Helbig
Gabriele Schütze
Gisela Eschert
Gisela Hübner
Gisela Lentz
Gudrun Vollmer
Gundolf Schulz
Gunhild Franke
Hans-Peter Hornung
Heide Strelow
Heide-Marie Neubert
Heidrun Scheffler
Heike Herzog
Helga Zobel
Helgard Ihlefeld
Hildegard Küppen
Holger König
Ilona Kegel
Ina Bülow
Ina Eslner
Ina-Maria Kühnel
Ines Beyer-Westendorf
Ing-Brit Tampe
Inge Arnold
Inge Bittermann-Mutono
Ingo Müller
Ingrid Seibold
Ingrid Treder
Ingrid Wagner
Isolde Kästner
Jürgen Sparfeldt
Juliane Lupp
Jürgen Schidlowski
Karin Hoger
Karin Lemm
Karin Rentzsch
Karla Fügert
Katrin Thiele
Kerstin Schuh
Kim Tuyet Hong
Kirsten Lemnitz
Konstanze Hackel
Konstanze Herzog
Lu Ella Berndt
Manfred Rentzsch
Manuela Juhra
Margit Neugebauer
Maria Hesse
Maria Jegodtka
Marion Neugebauer
Marie Herrmann
Marion Franke
Marita Garten
Marita Gruber
Markus Hohenwaldt
Markus Lipsz
Marlies Feig
Martina Betanski
Martina Landes
Monika Ulbricht
Natalie Schulz
Natalja Rehberg
Nick Bergmann
Peter Liebing
Petra Bohn
Petra Hejzlar
Petra Richter
Petra Rode
Petra Skade
Philip Kraus
Ramona Pieschel
Regina Gorzua
Regina Hörnig
Regina Reer
Regina Scheffel
Regine Erler
Regine Niederhausen
Renate Mankowski
Rita Elbertzhagen
Rita Jaensch
Rita Zellmann
Rolf Weber
Romy Scholz
Rudolf Scholz-Janotte
Sabina Leubiceli
Sabine Hoäler-Schulz
Sabine Scolz-Janotte
Sabine Yousef
Siegrid Kretzschmar
Sigrid Möser
Silke Gräwert
Silke Thomas
Silke Weber
Silvana Scholze
Susann Bergmann
Susanne Moritz
Swantje Fraikin
Sybille Heßler
Sylvey Lommatzsch
Sylvia Braunschweig
Sylvia Clasen
Sylvie Grune
Tanja Lieske
Toni Hellwig
Ulrike Geißler
Ulrike Neubert
Ulrike Simon
Ulrike Stümpel
Ursel Palme
Ursula Büchner
Ursula Fabig
Ursula Kirst
Uta Fuchs
Uta Günther
Uta Liebers
Ute Bartelmann
Ute Hegyes
Ute Herrlich
Ute Sieber
Ute Ulbricht
Uwe Eschert
Uwe Liebe
Veronika Krebs
Annette Wolf
Kathrin Fischer-Osterloh
Gisela Aehlig
Christine Bode
Steffi Brückner
Madeleine Buckley
Antje Diessl
Franziska Epple
Elke Ernst
Peter Fehrs
Gisela Fehrs
Cornelia Fleischhauer
Barbara Sofie Frutig
Silvia Gladis
Regine Gorzna
Sylvie Gruner
Sabine Haller-Schulz
Corinna Hallmann
Karin Hoyer
Edith Huttelmaier
Bärbel Jüpner
Esther Kemper
Claudia Kramer
Andreas Kunzmann
Valeria Lück
Renate Moll
Ingrid Mürbe
Silke Naumann
Monika Oelschlegel
Marina Oppe
Isolde Peschel
Annett Pollack
Christine Preußler
Claudia Rimek-Isaack
Aribert Scheffel
Katharine Schultz
Irene Schuster
Renate Singer
Waltraud Steigert
Heiner Thomas
Elke Turke
Simone Urbank
Sigrid Wenzel
Annette Wolf
Andrea Zindler
Thanks to project partners: Schaufler Kolleg@TU Dresden, Prof. Dr. Orit Halpern, Chair of Digital Cultures and Societal Change, TUD; Jun.-Prof. Miriam Akkermann, Chair of Empirical Musicology, TUD; Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ercan Altinsoy, Chair of Acoustics and Haptics, TUD; Hochschule für Bildende Künste Dresden, Dr Matthew McGinity
A project of: