Post-Organic Bauplan #TakeHeart

Josefina Maro & Salvador Marino #TakeHeart (19.06 - 04.07.)

Through movement, creation and experimentation with robotic prostheses Post-Organic Bauplan want to dis-organize the naturalized body. In the residency period, they worked with the latest robotic prosthesis that they developed and explored through dance improvisation exercises on the concepts of glitch and post-organicity.

Post-organic Bauplan is a collective from Argentina, based in Germany, integrated by Josefina Maro contemporary dancer, and Salvador Marino evolutionary biologist and artist. Post-Organic Bauplan works from a post-humanist perspective based on the development of non-organic devices and dance research to transgress the practices that condition our bodily perception.

Post-Organic Bauplan

More to Salvador Marino More to Josefina Maro