Talk: Platten, Bauten, Gegenwart

With Maximilian Hanisch/Sarah Methner, Stefanie Bürkle and Steffen Mau

The talk will take place online and will be broadcast to the audience on site via a screen in the Great Hall.


After the premiere of “Plattenbauten – Inseln der Gegenwart” by Maximilian Hanisch and Sarah Methner, they meet the author Steffen Mau in conversation. Together with the artist and urban researcher Stefanie Bürkle, they talk about transformation processes of living spaces.

Steffen Mau is Professor of Sociology at the Humboldt University in Berlin. He deals with questions of socio-structural change and social inequality.

Stefanie Bürkle is Professor of Fine Arts at the TU Berlin. As department head, she is responsible for the artistic education of students at the Institute of Architecture.
As an artist and urban researcher, she initiates her own artistic research projects and art projects. She investigates topics such as “City as Construction Site”, “Artificial Worlds”, “Facade-Wallpaper-Space-Architecture” with different media such as painting, photography and video. By integrating artistic and scientific methods, new readings of projection surfaces and the spaces behind them emerge.

Felix Bentlin (Dr.-Ing.) is a research associate at the Department of Urban Planning and Human Settlements at the Technical University of Berlin. In addition to research and teaching activities in the context of educational processes and the participatory design of urban space, as program coordinator (Fachlicher Nachwuchs entwirft Zukunft) he is dedicated to planning and design issues of the future of cities and rural areas within the framework of the National Urban Development Policy.

The event takes place here via Zoom.
To participate, you must download the Zoom software, agree to its privacy policy, and thus agree to the transfer of your data to the US. We are using Zoom because, to our knowledge, it is currently the platform with the lowest barriers to entry for a diverse group.