FAQ – Service

Is it allowed to photograph or film at events for private use?
Sound and/or video recordings of events by visitors are strictly prohibited for copyright reasons. More information can be found in our General Terms and Conditions.

Can I pay at the book counter with a card?
Unfortunately, card payment is not yet possible at our book counter at the moment.

Is there a defibrillator in the Festspielhaus?
The defibrillator is located in the cloakroom on the east side.

Can I contact employees directly?
If you know which department is responsible for your request, you will find the appropriate contact person here with contact details. Otherwise, please contact the head office at + 49 351 264620.

Who can I contact if I have a suggestion?
If you have any suggestions or complaints, please contact the Communications Department. Simone Michel, Head of Ticketing Visitor Centre, will be happy to receive your suggestions: zschoemitzsch@hellerau.org